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get to know me

Hello I am Joel, the face behind Primeval Illustration. I am an illustrator from the heart of the great county of Yorkshire.


My illustration career began in college, where I moved from a fine art course to graphic design. I felt I was better placed within the arts community here, I then progressed to the University of Worcester applying for graphic design. On inspection of my sketchbooks I was invited to join the illustration course here, and I wouldn't have had it any other way! Illustration challenged me more than graphic design ever could, driving my practice forward, forcing me from my comfort zone which graphics once was, in turn accelerating my artistic performance. It was during a university module where Primeval was created.


My practice has a clear graphical presence, especially in terms of composition, but the illustrator within me is clearly shown in my thought process behind each artwork created and how the finished result is executed. I mainly work in dip pen and indian ink, though I do love to break away from that and create large volumes of screen prints mainly focusing on social, political, environmental and economical commentary.


This said, I see no boundaries with my work. The possibilities are endless. Without challenging myself by fluctuating within educational art disciplines, my work would not have excelled as much as it has, and continues to do.




Awards and Achievements:


Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Illustration


Duckworth Worcestershire Trust Environmental Award

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